A constitutive model for the remodelling erythrocyte membrane skeleton during the active invasion by the malaria merozoite
One file ‘Erythrocyte membrane damage.for’: Fortran code of VUMAT user material for Abaqus developed to simulate the malaria merozoite induced damage of the erythrocyte membrane.
One Excel file “Numerical data damage model.xlsx” with five sheets
- Money Rivlin vs EMD
- Ogden
- Reduced polynomial
- Yeoh
- Erythrocyte membrane damage
The sheet Mooney Rivlin vs EMD presents nominal true stress-strain data determined from the Mooney Rivlin model and erythrocyte membrane damage (EMD) model, when β1 = 0, β1 = 0.49, β1 = 1, and β1 = 2.7. Data are presented in manuscript Figure 2.
The sheets Ogden, Reduced polynomial, and Yeoh present nominal numerical stress-strain data of Ogden, Reduced polynomial, and Yeoh model, evaluated from the erythrocyte membrane damage model nominal stress-strain data when β1 = 0, β1 = 0.49, β1 = 1, and β1 = 2.7. Data are presented in manuscript Figure 3.
The sheet erythrocyte membrane damage presents nominal numerical stress-strain data determined from the erythrocyte membrane damage model, when β1 = 0, β1 = 0.49, β1 = 1, and β1 = 2.7. Data are presented in manuscript Figure 3.
The associated material parameter values to represent an erythrocyte membrane with the Ogden, Yeoh, and Reduced Polynomial model are included in the manuscript appendix for no membrane damage β1, = 0 (Tables A.1 to A.3) and membrane damage with β1 = 0.49 (Tables A.4 to A.6), β1 = 1.0 (Tables A.7 to A.9), and β1 = 2.7 (Tables A.10 to A.12).