University of Cape Town

Confusion matrix for land cover classification of a multi-temporal Sentinel-2 imagery.

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posted on 2024-02-07, 10:51 authored by Keletso MoilweKeletso Moilwe, Glenn Moncrieff, Jasper SlingsbyJasper Slingsby, Vernon VisserVernon Visser

This dataset is used to produce Figure 2.6 in the thesis titled- Repeatable methods for classification of alien and native vegetation in the Montane grasslands (2024).

The dataset includes an Excel spreadsheet representing the number of sites for that class that were correctly classified as that class and off-diagonal elements represent misclassification between different classes. As well as an r script that compiles the data and runs the code to produce a confusion matrix for land cover classification of a multi-temporal Sentinel-2 imagery in 2019.

Period of data collection: February 2020.

Location of data collection: Blyde River Canyon Conservancy and its surrounds, in Mpumalanga/Limpopo Provinces, South Africa.





Department of Statistical Science