University of Cape Town

Tissue ingrowth markedly reduces mechanical anisotropy and stiffness in fibre direction of highly aligned electrospun polyurethane scaffolds (data)

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Version 2 2020-11-09, 07:06
Version 1 2019-09-23, 19:42
posted on 2020-11-09, 07:06 authored by Hugo Krynauw, Jannik Buescher, Josepha Koehne, Loes Verrijt, Georges Limbert, Neil Hamer Davies, Deon Bezuidenhout, Thomas FranzThomas Franz
The provided material represents the data for fibre diameter, fibre alignment, tissue ingrowth and mechanical properties of an tissue-engineering electrospun polymeric scaffold related to the article Krynauw H, Buescher J, Koehne J, Verrijt L, Limbert G, Davies NH, Bezuidenhout D, Franz T, Tissue ingrowth markedly reduces mechanical anisotropy and stiffness in fibre direction of highly aligned electrospun polyurethane scaffolds. bioRxiv, 2019: 779942.


National Research Foundation, South Africa, Grant: SUR2008051000002

Inter-university Cape Heart Research Unit, South African Medical Research Council

Jahresstipendium S/08/10, Deutsche Herzstiftung

Matching Dissertation Grant, International Society of Biomechanics



Biomedical Engineering Research Centre Division of Biomedical Engineering Department of Human Biology Faculty of Health Sciences University of Cape Town