University of Cape Town
ScaffHydr-Hyperel-1.cae (13.14 MB)
VA3.odb (32.08 MB)
VA3_MI2.odb (32.08 MB)
VA3_patched2_E0.5.odb (39.54 MB)
VA3_patched2_E1.0.odb (39.54 MB)
VA3_patched2_E2.0.odb (39.54 MB)
6 files

Data for Micromechanical homogenisation of a hydrogel-filled electrospun scaffold for tissue-engineered epicardial patching of the infarcted heart

posted on 2020-11-09, 07:05 authored by Tamer Abdalrahman, Nicolas Mandel, Kevin L. Sack, Nicola M. Pugno, Deon Bezuidenhout, Georges Limbert, Francesco Moscato, Thomas FranzThomas Franz, Neil Hamer Davies
Finite element models of electrospun fibrous scaffold and human cardiac left ventricle with infarct

1) Scaffold

ScaffHydr-Hyperel-1.cae: Abaqus CAE model file for fibrous scaffold with hydrogel filling

2) Cardiac models

Abaqus ODB output files with the following naming convention.

VA3: Healthy heart

VA3_MI2: Heart with MI without patch

VA3_MI2_patched2_E0.5: Heart with MI and treated with patch. Elastic modulus of patch E = 0.1435 MPa

VA3_MI2_patched2_E1.0: Heart with MI and treated with patch. Elastic modulus of patch E = 0.287 MPa

VA3_MI2_patched2_E2.0: Heart with MI and treated with patch. Elastic modulus of patch E = 0.574 MPa


National Research Foundation of South Africa, UID 92531, T Franz

National Research Foundation of South Africa, UID 93542, T Franz

South African Medical Research Council, SIR 328148, T Franz

European Commission Graphene Flagship Core 2 No 78521, NM Pugno

MIUR 232/2016, NM Pugno

ARS01-01384-PROSCAN, NM Pugno

Biofunctionalised Electroconducting Microfibres for the Treatment of Spinal Cord Injury

European Commission

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Department of Human Biology University of Cape Town