University of Cape Town

How well do buffer circles capture the ranging behaviours of territorial raptors? Excel data sets for 2019/2020 Masters Thesis

posted on 2020-06-17, 11:19 authored by René BrinkRené Brink
Raw data from six species of raptors that evaluate the percentage of GPS fixes and the percentage of the home range area, or 95% kernel area, captured by the buffer circle. In each file, the first worksheet has details on the length of each year and season per each individual; the second worksheet counts the individual and average home range and the percentage of GPS fixes captured by the calculated buffer circle during each year and season; the third worksheet calculates the individual and average percentage of the area captured by the calculated buffer circle; while the fourth worksheet calculates the individual year and average annual percentage of the home range covered by the calculated buffer circle, and at what size does the buffer circle capture 95% of the species' home range.



Department of Biological Sciences; FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology; University of Cape Town