This research investigated the prebiotic potential of various cryoprotectants and the protective effect of 10% (m/v) of skimmed milk, inulin, maltodextrin and sucrose as cryoprotectants on Lactobacillus plantarum during freeze drying. Improved survival of L. plantarum during freeze drying was observed with all cryoprotectants. Skimmed milk demonstrated the highest protection after freeze drying, with a survival rate of 91% and viable cell counts of 9.1 ×10^8 (CFU/ml) from an initial cell count prior to drying of 1.0×10^9 (CFU/ml). Inulin demonstrated high protective efficiency, with 85% viability maintained during freeze drying which resulted in final cell counts of 1.1×10^9 (CFU/ml) from an initial cell count of 1.3 ×10^9 (CFU/ml).
The data set contains:
1. OD and pH reading measured during the growth of Lactobacillus plantarum in media, each supplemented with various concentrations of glucose, inulin, maltodextrin and sucrose respectively
2. CFU counts and respective viabilities of L. plantarum after freeze drying and during storage periods, using various cryoprotectants.
3. OD and pH reading measured during the re- growth of Lactobacillus plantarum in media before freeze drying, after freeze during and over storage
4. SEM and TEM images of freeze dried L.plantarum in various cryoprotectants
NRF (Grant holder-UID 116290)
Centre for Bioprocess Engineering Research, Department of Chemical Engineering