Morphological and molecular characterization of bacterial endophytes from Centella asiatica leaves.
This data comprises the 16S rRNA gene sequences of the 20 bacterial endophytes isolated from Centella asiatica leaves. The 16S rRNA gene sequences of bacterial isolates identified in the study were deposited and registered in GenBank ( and new accession numbers were obtained. The files attached include the GenBank reports obtained after registering the 20 isolates and this report outlines sequences for each isolate, accession numbers, genus, phylum and the newly assigned names. Also, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to observe and study the shape of endophytic bacterial isolates and therefore, SEM images are attached (3 images for each isolate - 1 in 50kx and 2 in 10kx magnifications). The Newick file used to generate phylogenetic tree on iTOL programme is also attached