University of Cape Town

Places of the ǂKhomani San | Hugh Brody Collection

A list of Place Names extracted from the ǂKhomani San | Hugh Brody Collection held by the University of Cape Town (UCT) Library.

Effort has been made to geocode as many place names as possible with their geographic coordinates (Latitude & Longitude).

The data set is available in three formats:
• a comma separated values table (CSV);
• a KMZ spatial data layer, compatible with Google Maps, Google Earth and most GIS packages;
• a ZIP archive of an ESRI shapefile, compatible with most GIS packages

This data set is incomplete. Not all resources in the collection have been processed, additional place names may be missing from the list. Geocoding was performed as accurately as our reference resources allowed, but some locations may have been misplaced.

We would like to thank African Tongue and the communities of the region for their assistance with the creation of this data set.

The ǂKhomani San are the first people of the southern Kalahari. They lived as hunters and gatherers in the immense desert in the northwest corner of South Africa. For them, it is a land rich in wildlife, plants, trees, great sand dunes and dry riverbeds. When the ǂKhomani San share their history, they tell a story of dispossession from their lands, erasure of their way of life, and disappearance of their language. To speak of their past is to search in memory for all that was taken from them in the colonial, apartheid and post-apartheid era. They also tell a story of reclamation and recovery of lands, language, and even of memory itself.

Coordinate Reference System: Geographic Coordinate System WGS1984 (GCS WGS84)

Fields - Due to software limitations diacritics were not used in field names:
Place_Name: Name of place
Latitude: Latitude Ordinate GCS WGS84
Longitude: Longitude Ordinate GCS WGS84
Notes_Loc: Any extra information about the place name location, either from the collection or discovered by the authors.
Source: The source of the geographic coordinates
Local Name: This is the name as it may have changed locally
Eng: English name
Afr: Afrikaans name
kqz_Kora: Kora name
naq_Nama: Nama name
ngh_Nuu: Nuu name
tsn_Tswana: Tswana name
gla_Scottish_Gaelic: Gaelic name
fra_French: French name
Notes_ling: notes of linguistic interest



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