University of Cape Town

River plots before (A) and after (B) post-processing with the hidden Markov model applied for the entire study area and Bar plots of the gross (grey) and net (colour) change in each land cover class between 1990 and 2020 before (A) and after (B) post-processing for the entire study area with a hidden Markov model.

posted on 2024-02-07, 10:41 authored by Keletso MoilweKeletso Moilwe, Glenn Moncrieff, Vernon VisserVernon Visser, Jasper SlingsbyJasper Slingsby

This dataset was used to produce land cover change analyses for Figures 3.6 (A & B) and Figures 3.7 (A &B) as part of a master's thesis titled- Repeatable methods for classification of alien and native vegetation in the Montane grasslands (2024).

Twenty-four data entries are included: 11 non-hidden Markov model (HMM) GeoTIFFs; 11 hidden Markov model post-processed GeoTIFFs; r script containing pre-HMM analysis of land cover change illustrated using river plots and bar graph; and r script containing post-HMM analysis of land cover change displayed via river plots and bar graph.

This dataset combines pre-HMM and HMM post-processed analyses from 1990 until 2020 to depict and quantify land lover changes between different land cover classes (i.e. aliens, NVF, grassland, mixed woody grassland, and forest) using river plots and bar graphs. Thus it produces Figures 3.6A & 3.7A (pre-HMM analyses), and Figures 3.6B & 3.7B (HMM post-processed analyses) in the above-mentioned thesis.

Date of data collection: February 2020

Location of data collection: Blyde River Canyon Conservancy and its surrounds, in Mpumalanga/Limpopo





Department of Statistical Science