Steel V-structure blast simulation results
This is the data from the thesis titled:
Response of composite and steel V-structures to localised air blast loading (2023)
This compressed folder contains the raw data extracted from the steel V-structure blast simulations. The files have first been separated based on the V-angle. In each of the subfolders, the V-tip radii and charge mass configurations were varied. Included in the files are the CSV files of the mid-point displacement time histories, ridge node z displacements and x coordinates, and crosscut node y and z coordinates. Also included are the fluid-structure interaction forces which can be used to extract the impulse transferred from the explosive loading to the target structure. All simulations were performed on LS-DYNA R8.
The first zipped folder titled - contains three subfolders labelled:
- The subfolders inside each of these folders contain a series of csv files with the displacement and coordinate histories for the blast simulated steel V-structures.
- Included are also csv files of the average fluid-structure interaction forces which can be used to obtain the impulse transferred from the explosive to the V-structures.