GOBLET Bioinformatics Training Best Practices Workshop Training Material Archive
This is an archive containing training materials for the H3ABioNet course: “GOBLET Bioinformatics Training Best Practices Workshop”.
Brief description of the course:
The Global Organisation for Bioinformatics Learning, Education and Training (GOBLET), together with H3ABioNet will be running a Best practices in Bioinformatics Training workshop in Cape Town from the 16th - 17th of November 2015. The first day will cover aspects of teaching and the second day will be more of a workshop to discuss bioinformatics curricula, course materials, trainer recognition, etc. This “train-the-trainer” course is designed for anyone who currently or plans to teach bioinformatics both in universities as part of degree programs or as short specialized courses. The workshop will be in the Dumo Baqwa room, Barnard Fuller Building, University of Cape Town Medical School, Anzio Road Observatory.
Intended audience: “First time” trainers or those with no formal teaching on how to train and bioinformatics trainers.
Course sponsor/organisers:
GOBLET and H3ABioNet
Course level: Introductory
The archive contains the following items:
Trainer/creator file containing the names of the person/s responsible for organising and delivering the course
Course information file - which contains the original information about the course and includes a course schedule
Lecture materials which include lecture slides and tutorials
This upload was performed by: Verena Ras | H3ABioNet Training and Outreach Coordinator
H3ABioNet: informatics solutions for H3Africa
National Human Genome Research Institute
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