University of Cape Town

H3ABioNet Data Support Workshop - 8th H3Africa Meeting Training Material Archive

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educational resource
posted on 2022-03-04, 13:27 authored by Nicola Mulder, Sumir PanjiSumir Panji, Ayton MeintjesAyton Meintjes, Scott Hazelhurst, Fourie Joubert, Alia Benkahla, Faisal M. Fadlelmola

This is an archive containing training materials for the H3ABioNet course: “H3ABioNet Data Support Workshop - 8th H3Africa Meeting”.

Brief description of the course:

his interactive workshop will provide an overview of data management, analysis and submission for H3Africa projects. It also provides an opportunity for Data Support Working Group members, who represent the H3Africa projects to engage with H3ABioNet and discuss their needs.

Intended Audience: This workshop is aimed at Data Support Working Group members who should be the H3Africa project data managers, data analysts or bioinformaticians. It is important that the attendees have knowledge of the data being generated by their H3Africa projects and information about the project’s data analysis plan.

Syllabus: Participants discussed their data plans and challenges. Lectures were be given on Clinical data collection & storage, overview of GWAS/NGS/microbiome processing, downstream analysis (Variant annotation, meta-analysis, structure, ancGWAS), Data transfer considerations, security, data processing options, and H3Africa Archive and EGA submission. This was followed by discussion on developing data management plans (with reference to the article: Michener WK (2015) Ten Simple Rules for Creating a Good Data Management Plan. PLoS Comput Biol 11(10): e1004525), and interactive sessions discussing specific projects.

Course trainers/authors:

Nicola Mulder, Sumir Panji, Ayton Meintjes, Scott Hazelhurst, Fourie Joubert, Alia Benkahla and Faisal Fadlelmola

Course sponsor/organisers:

H3ABioNet, NIH Common Fund

Course level: Intermediate

The archive contains the following items:

  • Trainer/creator file containing the names of the person/s responsible for organising and delivering the course

  • Course information file - which contains the original information about the course and includes a course schedule

  • Lecture materials

This upload was performed by: Verena Ras | H3ABioNet Training and Outreach Coordinator


H3ABioNet: informatics solutions for H3Africa

National Human Genome Research Institute

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Computational Biology, H3ABioNet