Make the most of your vac
With exams drawing to a close, what are your hopes and fears for the vac? This chapter contains essential information about what you must do during the vac. We also have suggestions to help you make the most of the vac. Read this before going home, so that you download what you need, before you leave.
Njengona iimviwo zisondela, athini amathemba akho noloyiko lwakho ngevac? Esi isahluko siqulathe ulwazi olunyanzelekileyo ngomawukwenze ngevac. Sikwanazo neengcebiso zokunceda ukwazi ukuyisebenzisa kakuhle ivac. Funda lento phambi kokuba ugoduke, ukuze ukwazi ukufumana okudingayo phambi kokuba uhambe.
Met die eksamen wat nou kla maak, waarvoor hoep djy en vir wat is djy bang die vakansie? Die chêpter leer vijou wat djy moet doen innie vakansie. Ons het oek suggestions gegee om jou te help om die meeste van die vakansie te maak. Lees dit voor djy huis toe gaan, sodat djy kan download wat djy nodig het, voor djy gaan.