University of Cape Town

Updated observer catch-at-length data from the commercial fisheries at the main Tristan da Cunha island

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posted on 2021-12-21, 08:05 authored by Susan HollowaySusan Holloway
Updated catch-at-length (CAL) data from samples collected from both the powerboats and the Edinburgh have recently been provided for the 2014 season. This document provides various comparative plots of these data compared with data from previous seasons.

MARAM/TRISTAN/2014/JAN/01 and MARAM/TRISTAN/2015/MAY/05 provided commercial CAL data for all four islands, whereas this document focuses only on such data collected from the main island of Tristan da Cunha. There were some errors made in in the documents above about the source of some of the data; these have been corrected here.



Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, University of Cape Town