posted on 2013-02-19, 15:50authored byKaren M. Imbalzano, Nathalie Cohet, Qiong Wu, Jean M. Underwood, Anthony N. Imbalzano, Jeffrey A. Nickerson
(A) Western blot measuring the extent of BRG1 and BRM knockdown. PI3 Kinase was measured as a loading control. Induction of BRG1 or BRM knockdown correlates with Doxycycline (DOX) dependent GFP expression. (B) Representative images of irregular and regular shaped nuclei in PAP stained cells. Size bar 50 µm. (C) Quantification of irregularly shaped nuclei in MCF-10A cells upon BRG1 or BRM knockdown. SCRAM represents the control cells expressing a scrambled sequence shRNA. Data represent the means of 6 counts totaling a minimum of 200 (SCRAM +/− DOX), 290 (BRG1i +/− DOX), or 325 (BRMi +/− DOX) cells scored per cell line +/− standard deviation. *** represents p<0.005 as determined by Student’s t-test.