University of Cape Town

Creating Publication-Linked Datasets 3: Research Data

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posted on 2021-03-30, 10:10 authored by Lesley MostertLesley Mostert
Here we look at how to most helpfully present your research data. We examine the different forms data takes. We tips for formatting in ways that will make the data easy to understand and reuse.

This item is the first in a series of five items of videos with slides. Each describes an aspect of creating a dataset linked to a publication.

1. The Background to Linked Datasets

2. Preparing for Creating a Dataset

3. Presenting the Research Data

4. Presenting Metadata in the Dataset

5. Additional Metadata and Method for Uploading to ZivaHub (Figshare)

The videos were created for use in the CeBER research group, but could form a helpful basis for creation of datasets in other research groups. The other videos in the series can be accessed on ZivaHub via the links in "References".

These videos can also be viewed on YouTube. The link for this video is in the References.


National Research Foundation SARChI Bioprocess Engineering UID64778



Centre for Bioprocess Engineering Research, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Cape Town