Audio diary: Day 3 of CODATA-RDA Research Data Science School 2019 held at the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics in Grignano, near Trieste in Italy between August 5 and August 16.
Sessions discussed include: Intro to R with Data Science with Mario Antionioletti (EPCC, University of Edinburgh).
Day 3 Impressions 0:37.345 The Set Up 1:57.630 Issues with R 3:33.048 Learning 5:27.245 Teaching in a Lab 7:21.411 Doing Deep Work 9:11.994
Refers to events of 2019-08-07. Recorded with Tascam DR-05 on 2019-08-07 at Adriatico Guest House. Processed with Adobe Audition.