Log of mean predicted Day/Night Chokka CPUE on the South African commercial squid jig fishing grounds, 2006-2022.
This is a .mp4 video file showcasing tweedie generalized additive model predictions of commercial Loligo reynaudii (Chokka) squid jig Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE) per Day-Of-Year (DOY) per Diel period (Day/Night) per Fishing grid cell for the average year. The file was animated at 1 frame per second for 366 frames (length: 6 minutes and 6 seconds) and averages were calculated after grouping by DOY, Diel period and Fishing grid cell.
The file is deposited here for reader access if difficulties are encountered in playing the same video file, embedded in the .pdf of the related dissertation.
The file was produced to help investigate whether there is spatial variation in any effects of diel period on Chokka CPUE between seasons and years on the commercial squid jig fishing grounds of South Africa, as part of an Applied Ocean Sciences (AOS) Master of Science (MSc) dissertation at the University of Cape Town (titled: "An investigation of spatial-temporal diel changes in Loligo reynaudii catch rates in the commercial squid jig fishery of South Africa"). The third-party data used were commercial session-level squid jig catch logbook records sourced from the South African Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE). Project supervisors were DFFE: Dr Jean Githaiga-Mwicigi and DFFE: Dr Dawit Yemane Ghebrehiwet. No ethical clearance was required.