University of Cape Town

Rieldans and Heuningbier

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posted on 2019-03-13, 09:45 authored by Engela BritzEngela Britz
This audio sample accompanies Engela Britz's (2019) minor dissertation entitled "Songs in the Dust: Riel Music in the Northern and Western Cape, South Africa." Engela Britz made this recording in Brandvlei, on the 10th of January, 2018.

In a musical demonstration of langriel and kortriel, Gert Swarts spontaneously made some observations about heuningbier (honey beer), which is mead brewed from honey/honeycomb and several other ingredients:

[speel langriel] En as hy sommer wil die ding opwarm dan sal hy vir jou altyd speel [speel kortriel] Dit is waneer julle met hom begin. En jy moet onthou jou langriel is die man wat die son laat uitkom. As julle klaar hier gebraai het en julle’t bietjie heuningbier gedrink, dan laat hy die son uitkom. Ek moet nog loop werk, jou goed [vee] staan in die kraal. Ek moet al daar gewees het maar daar dans ons die rieldans! Dis daar waar hulle gisteraand vir jou gesê het van die heuningbier [...] Hy is die gesondste. Hy is hy is kruie van elke blommetjie wat die heuningby die sappies van trek so dra hy hom na sy nes toe [lang verduideliking oor hoe bye heuning maak] [basiese verduideliking oor die proses van heuningbier brou] […] [speel weer langriel].

[plays langriel] And if you want to heat things up, you’d always play [demonstrates kortriel] that is when you’d start with it. And you must remember that the langriel is the one that brings out the sun. When you’ve braaied (barbecued) and you’ve drunk heuningbier (honey beer), it brings out the sun. I must go to work, the [livestock] are in the kraal (pen). I should have been there already, but we’re still dancing the rieldans! That’s what they told you about last night, the heuningbier […] It’s the healthiest. It has herbs from every flower that the bee has drawn sap from and carried to its nest [lengthy explanation about how bees make honey] [basic explanation about brewing heuningbier] [...] [resumes langriel]



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