How ZivaHub can help you share and publish your thesis data
This is an edited recording of a webinar, together with slides, for a presentation on To DOI or not to DOI? Sharing and Publishing Research FAIR-ly with ZivaHub given on Wednesday, April 24th 2024, as part of the Digital Scholarship Series for researchers at UCT.
Is it the end of your research project and time to hand in your thesis? Do you have some data you have gathered and analysed that you need to share as part of your thesis submission? In this session, we look at how UCT's Open Data repository, ZivaHub, can assist you with sharing and publishing your data. Do you need to get a DOI to put in your manuscript? Do you need to have your examiners access the data privately before publishing? Do you need to make sure that the data is only published at a later date? After this session, publishing your data will be easier than doing your bibliography.
The Digital Scholar Series is run out of Digital Library Services at UCT Libraries. It aims to showcase some of the digital practices and tools available to enhance research skills, with an ongoing focus on managing research data efficiently. Topics covered deal with the management of digital materials for research (what some of us call ‘data’) and touch on digital topics throughout the research lifecycle.