University of Cape Town

To DOI or not to DOI? Sharing and Publishing Research FAIR-ly with ZivaHub

posted on 2024-04-18, 11:29 authored by Sanjin MuftićSanjin Muftić

This is a recording of a webinar, together with slides, for a presentation on To DOI or not to DOI? Sharing and Publishing Research FAIR-ly with ZivaHub given on Wednesday, April 17th, 2024 as part of the Digital Scholarship Series for researchers at UCT.

Research outputs become more valuable once they are shared, allowing others to use them to glean information, build knowledge, and acknowledge the original authors in a scholarly manner. In today's academic landscape, you get credit for publishing the data you produce and share, leading to new opportunities for study. To do so, your data must be Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR). We look at how you can make your data FAIR by sharing and publishing it on  UCT's data repository ZivaHub. After this session, DOIs might be your new best friends.

The Digital Scholar Series is run out of Digital Library Services at UCT Libraries. It aims to showcase some of the digital practices and tools available to enhance research skills, with an ongoing focus on managing research data efficiently. Topics covered deal with the management of digital materials for research (what some of us call ‘data’) and touch on digital topics throughout the research lifecycle.



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