University of Cape Town

Clarifying hypotheses about sardine stock structure

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posted on 2022-01-19, 08:11 authored by Doug ButterworthDoug Butterworth
It is very important that a document be produced to clarify hypotheses about sardine stock structure, not only for the local debate but particularly for the international panel, so that discussions do not become confused by people talking at cross purposes. Together with that goes the need for a glossary clearly defining the terms being used. This is because both the need for spatial management, and the basis required to justify that scientifically, are very dependent on what hypothesis is considered to apply.

In the current debate (re the management need for a two area split), my sense is that there are essentially two different hypotheses (and that there has effectively been a move from the one to the other over the last few years). I present the two “in extremis” to clarify the differences and their implications, realising that reality may well encompass some aspects of both.



Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, University of Cape Town