University of Cape Town

Corrections to Updated Analyses of the Results from the Island Closure Feasibility Study for the Dassen/Robben Island Pair given in Appendix A of MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Peng/B12

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posted on 2022-04-29, 06:38 authored by Doug ButterworthDoug Butterworth, Naseera MoosaNaseera Moosa

DAFF have recently advised of detection of errors in the data agreed to be used to provide results from the island closure feasibility study to be presented to the Panel, as listed in document MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Peng/C1. This involves the recruit survey biomass series advised; the errors are corrected in a revised Table provided in MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Peng/C4. These errors affect only the results for method (iv) for Dassen and Robben Islands which were reported in Appendix A of MARAM/IWS/DEC14/Peng/B12. These analyses have consequently been repeated with the corrected data.



Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, University of Cape Town