University of Cape Town

The OMP-14 constraints, with straw-dog extrapolation to two area candidate MPs

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posted on 2021-08-02, 14:32 authored by Carryn de MoorCarryn de Moor
OMP-14 is the Operational Management Procedure that has been used to recommend total allowable catches (TACs) and bycatches (TABs) for sardine and anchovy in South African waters from 2015 to 2017 (de Moor and Butterworth 2014). A new OMP, anticipated to be called OMP-17, is currently under development. The Harvest Control Rules forming the core of OMP-14 and OMP-17 contain key control parameters which are estimated during OMP development to ensure catches are maximised subject to risk criteria being met, and some fixed (not changing between years) TABs. In addition there are control parameters and constraints on the sardine and anchovy TACs.



Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, University of Cape Town