University of Cape Town

The data used in the 2022 assessment of South African round herring

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posted on 2022-10-13, 06:53 authored by Carryn de MoorCarryn de Moor, Dagmar Merkle, Janet Coetzee

This document serves to record the generation of the data used to condition the stock assessment of South African round herring (Etrumeus whiteheadi) carried out during 2022. Some data are not ‘raw data’ and have already been subject to analyses and refinements. These associated calculations are recorded here for transparency and to ensure continuity in the method used to calculate data for subsequent assessments. The round herring assessment assumes the annual year begins in June each year and runs through to the end of May (de Moor 2022). Given difficulties experienced during the November 2021 hydroacoustic survey (Coetzee et al. 2022), there is no reliable survey estimate of biomass or proportion‐at‐length data from that survey. The assessment is thus run up to the end of May 2021.



Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, University of Cape Town