Updated GLMM- and GLM-standardised lobster CPUE from the Tristan da Cunha group of islands.
The longline CPUE series for Inaccessible and Gough islands are GLMM standardised through to 2011. For Nightingale, the standardisation it to 2010 only, as the fishery was closed for the 2011 season1. Year, month, area, trap-type, soak time, depth and year-area interactions are treated as fixed effects, and year-month interactions treated as a random effect. For Tristan, for which the available powerboat data are more limited, a GLM with year and month as fixed effects is applied to data for 1994-2012. After initial increases, the standardised CPUE indices show drops over the most recent years for all islands, although for Gough this decrease is seen only in the most recent two seasons’ data. The analyses for the outer islands are based on the newly captured logsheet catch-effort database prepared by CAPFISH.