University of Cape Town

Anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) from Southern Benguela DEB model code

posted on 2021-10-15, 13:10 authored by Grea GroenewaldGrea Groenewald, Coleen Moloney, Carl van der Lingen
Dynamic energy budget (DEB) model used to simulate the growth and reproduction of anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) in the Southern Benguela.

As Chapter 2 & 4 part of thesis presented in fulfilment of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Cape Town, South Africa.

This folder includes all MATLAB scripts and parameter data used:
Chapter 2 experiments:

Main model script:
* Anchovy.m
Visual Parameter estimation script:
* par_variant.m
Parameter scripts:
* Aparameter_calc.m
* Parameters_Anchovy.m
* mydata_Engraulis_encrasicolus.m
Startvalue script:
* Startvalue_Anchovy.m

Functional response script (f):
* f_variant.m
Temperature script (T):
* Temp_variant
Starvation experiments
* Starts with: Starving

Chapter 4 experiments:
All start with Anchovy_ followed by life stage larvae_ , recruit_ or adult_ and then experiment type:
Temperature alone = Temp
Feeding = food
Combined = fTemp_ followed by the which pair of conditions were used


SEAChange Project of the South African Network for Coastal and Oceanic Research, funded by the Branch: Fisheries

National Research Foundation



Biological Sciences