University of Cape Town

GFRP material test simulations

This is the data from the thesis titled:

Response of composite and steel V-structures to localised air blast loading (2023)

These compressed folders contains the raw data and graphs generated from the simulations of material tests conducted on the GFRP specimens. The simulations were performed using LS-DYNA R8.

The zipped folder titled - contains:

- Two subfolders.

- The folder labelled Tensile_test_data_fitting contains the models and results for the GFRP quasistatic tensile test simulations.

- The keyword files are included.

- A pdf image of the schematic of the simulation is provided along with the fitted stress-strain curves.

- The folder labelled DCB_test_data_fitting contains the models and results for the GFRP quasistatic DCB test simulations.

- The keyword files are included.

- A pdf image of the schematic of the simulation is provided along with the fitted force vs crack length curves.


111737 - National Research Foundation (South Africa) - Influence of Geometric Shape on the Blast Loading and Response Characteristics of Plated Structures

81802 - National Research Foundation (South Africa) - Composites for Transport Structures



Blast Impact and Survivability Research Unit Centre, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Cape Town