University of Cape Town

2022 sole dynamic Schaefer production model results

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posted on 2022-11-22, 08:35 authored by Jean Patricia Glazer, Doug ButterworthDoug Butterworth, Tracy P Fairweather

The sole resource is modelled by a dynamic Schaefer production model which allows for a drop in the value of the intrinsic growth rate parameter from 2000 onwards. The model is fit to the available CPUE and survey abundance indices. In contrast to previous assessments, the lowest post 2000 intrinsic growth rate parameter that was considered is now clearly preferred by the models. Estimates obtained from the updated assessment are less optimistic than those from previous assessments. It is suggested that the Agulhas sole TAC be reduced to 328 tons for the 2023 fishing season.



Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, University of Cape Town