The stock assessment model for South African sardine is detailed in this document.
1. All infection occurs at 1 November; after all catch and before movement. Thus at the time of the recruit survey, all recruits are assumed to be uninfected.
2. All movement occurs at 1 November; after all catch is removed from the population and after infection by the parasite.
3. Permanent west-to-east movement is allowed for all ages.
4. No east-to-west movement is assumed¹.
5. Infection only happens to west stock fish (hypothesised region of parasite host)
6. No difference in growth, maturity, natural or fishing mortality or movement is assumed between sardine that are uninfected or infected with the parasite.
Initial results from fitting this model to available data are presented in de Moor and Butterworth (2015b).
Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, University of Cape Town