University of Cape Town

Elena Moore

Sociologist (Sociology of family and relationships)

Cape Town

I am an Associate Professor of Sociology in the Department of Sociology at the University of Cape Town. I am the author of Generation, Gender and Negotiating Custom in South Africa (Routledge, 2022), Divorce, Families and Emotion Work (Palgrave, 2017) and (with Chuma Himonga) Reform of Customary Marriage, Divorce and Succession in South Africa (Juta & Co. 2015), as well as numerous journal articles and book chapters. I am a recipient of the Distinguished Teaching Award 2021, University of Cape Town. I obtained a Wellcome Career Award, 2023-2028 to develop and grow a research programme in Family Caregiving of Older Persons In Southern Africa ( .


  • COVID-19 and the Pivotal role of Grandparents: Childcare and income Support in the UK and South Africa
  • Generation, Gender and Negotiating Custom in South Africa
  • Becoming a Father in South Africa: Customary Practices and Negotiating Fatherhood
  • Family care for older persons in South Africa: heterogeneity of the carer’s experience
  • Editorial
  • Financing Social Reproduction
  • Consequences of Social Protection on Intergenerational Relationships in South Africa.
  • Who has a duty to support? Care practices and legal responsibilities in South Africa.
  • “My husband has to stop beating me and I shouldn’t go to the police”: Family meetings, patriarchal bargains and marital violence in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa.
  • South Africa’s Hybrid Care Regime: The changing and contested roles of individuals, families and the state after apartheid.”
  • Family care of older people in Southern Africa
  • Understanding the role of social grants as resources in multi-generational households: Examples from South Africa and Lesotho
  • Struggles over elder care in South Africa

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Co-workers & collaborators

Gabrielle Kelly

Gabrielle Kelly

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