University of Cape Town

Yonatan Sahle Chemere

Archaeological science

Cape Town, South Africa


  • Archaeological reconnaissance of the Late Pleistocene Red Sea coast in the Danakil
  • An ethnographic experiment of endscraper curation rate among hadiya hideworkers, ethiopia
  • Variability in Ethnographic Hidescraper Use among the Hadiya of Ethiopia: Implications for Reduction Analysis
  • Geochemical Characterization of Four Quaternary Obsidian Sources and Provenance of Obsidian Artifacts from the Middle Stone Age Site of Gademotta, Main Ethiopian Rift
  • A social archaeology of colonial war in Ethiopia
  • A reassessment of the Middle and Later Stone Age lithic assemblages from Aladi Springs, Southern Afar Rift, Ethiopia
  • Chronological and behavioral contexts of the earliest middle stone age in the gademotta formation, main ethiopian rift
  • Assessment of complex projectiles in the early Late Pleistocene at Aduma, Ethiopia
  • Risk and reward: Explosive eruptions and obsidian lithic resource at Nabro volcano (Eritrea)
  • Modern Human Origins
  • Newly discovered Middle Pleistocene hominid-bearing deposits from the Lower Awash basin, Ethiopia
  • Eastern African Stone Age
  • Modern human origins and dispersal: current state of knowledge and future directions.
  • Hominid butchers and biting crocodiles in the African Plio-Pleistocene.
  • A reply to Douze and Delagnes's 'The pattern of emergence of a Middle Stone Age tradition at Gademotta and Kulkuletti (Ethiopia) through convergent tool and point technologies' [J. Hum. Evol. 91 (2016) 93-121].
  • Earliest stone-tipped projectiles from the Ethiopian rift date to >279,000 years ago.
  • Ethnoarchaeology of compound adhesive production and scraper hafting: Implications from Hadiya (Ethiopia)
  • Correction: Earliest Stone-Tipped Projectiles from the Ethiopian Rift Date to >279,000 Years Ago
  • Exploring karst landscapes: new prehistoric sites in south-central Ethiopia
  • More data needed for claims about the earliest Oldowan artifacts
  • Integrative geochronology calibrates the Middle and Late Stone Ages of Ethiopia’s Afar Rift
  • Enamel proteins reveal biological sex and genetic variability within southern African Paranthropus
  • The Origins of Early Sapiens Behaviour: Origins Centre, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg
  • Javelin use among Ethiopia’s last indigenous hunters: Variability and further constraints on tip cross-sectional geometry
  • Fossil men: The quest for the oldest skeleton and the origins of humankind. KermitPattison. New York, NY: William Morrow. 2020. 534 pp. ISBN 978‐0‐06‐241028‐3. $32.50 (hardcover/e‐book/trade paperback/digital audio, MP3).
  • An Early Holocene Lithic Assemblage from Dibe Rockshelter, South-Central Ethiopia
  • Africa, South| Middle Stone Age
  • Herto, Ethiopia
  • Aduma, Ethiopia
  • The Gademotta Formation, Ethiopia
  • MIS 3 innovative behavior and highland occupation during a stable wet episode in the Lake Tana paleoclimate record, Ethiopia

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