1.Each statistical analysis has its own cvs file. 2.Column names: * Year: Year the data was collected. * Box: Nest-box ID. * Site: Area or Patch the data was collected * Nest: It is the Nest-box and Year combined * Ring: Number of the RS/Cuckoo chick ring * Wing: Length of the RS/Cuckoo chick wing * Tarsus: Length of the RS/Cuckoo chick tarsus * Weight: Weight of the RS/Cuckoo chick * HatchDate: Date of hatching of the RS/Cuckoo chick * BroodSize: Number of chicks that hatched in the nest. * AgeAtRinging: Age when the RS/Cuckoo nestling was ringed * FRing: Ring number of the RS female * Fwing: Length of the RS female wing * Ftail: Length of the RS female tail * Ftarsus: Length of the RS female tarsus * Fweigth: Weight of the RS female * MRing: Ring number of the RS male * Mwing: Length of the RS male wing * Mtail: Length of the RS male tail * Mtarsus: Length of the RS male tarsus * Mweigth: Weight of the RS male * MpatchH: Height of the male patch * MpatchW: Width of the male patch * SharedM: “yes” means the male was shared with another nest; “no” means the male was not shared with another nest. * Parasitized: “1” means the nest was parasitized; “0” means the nest was not parasitized * Window: Uncertainty interval about the date the cuckoo egg was laid * Focal: “1” means the nest was the focal parasitized nest; “0” means the nest was the focal parasitized nest * SpatioT: ID of the space-time window * Numeggs: number of eggs laid at the time the cuckoo parasitism event occurred (using the first day of the uncertainty interval) * Lon1: nest-box longitude position * Lat1: nest-box latitud position * Distance: Distance to the focal parasitized nest in km.