University of Cape Town

Introduction to Bioinformatics Training Course Materials

Published on by Verena Ras
This is an archive containing training materials for the H3ABioNet course: “Introduction to Bioinformatics Training (IBT) Course”. Brief description of the course: H3ABioNet‘s Introduction to Bioinformatics course (IBT) provides an introduction to the field of bioinformatics, with a focus on important bioinformatic tools and resources. Over a period of 3 months of intensive biweekly contact sessions, the course combines theoretical and practical sessions to allow participants to gain practical experience in using various tools and resources. During contact sessions, classrooms meet virtually to discuss the session’s content with each other and the trainer. Course trainers/authors: Module 1: Databases and Resources Shaun Aron | Affiliation: University of Witwatersrand, H3ABioNet Nicola Mulder | Affiliation: University of Cape Town, H3ABioNet Module 2: Linux Amel Ghouila | Affiliation: Institut Pasteur de Tunis, H3ABioNet Module 3: Sequence Alignment Jonathan Kayondo | Affiliation: Uganda Virus Research Institute Sonal Henson | Affiliation: International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE) Module 4: Multiple Sequence Alignment Ahmed Mansour Alzohairy | Affiliation: The Egyptian Center of Bioinformatics and Genomics, Zagazig University; H3ABioNet Module 5: Genomics Fatma Guerfali | Affiliation: Institut Pasteur de Tunis Emily Perry | Affiliation: European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) Module 6: Molecular Evolution and Phylogenetics Anna Zhukova | Affiliation: Instut Pasteerur, France Module 6 (2016): Protein Structure Bioinformatics Ruben Cloete | Affiliation: South African National Bioinformatics Institute, University of the Western Cape Rehab Ahmed | Affiliation: Centre for Bioinformatics, University of Khartoum (CBSB), H3ABioNet Introduction Week Verena Ras | | IBT course convenor | Affiliation: University of Cape Town, H3ABioNet Wrap-up Week Verena Ras | | IBT course convenor | Affiliation: University of Cape Town, H3ABioNet Paballo Chauke | IBT course convenor | Affiliation: University of Cape Town, H3ABioNet Shaun Aron | IBT core team | Affiliation: University of Witwatersrand, H3ABioNet Guest Trainers Pedro L. Fernandes | | Affiliation: Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência Introduction: ‘What is Bioinformatics and why is it important?’ David P. Judge | Affiliation: Freelance independent Bioinformatics instructor. Formerly, Bioinformatics Training Programme coordinator, University of Cambridge, Department of Genetics, Cambridge Introduction: ‘What is Bioinformatics and why is it important?’ Staff Training Paballo Chauke | IBT course convenor | Affiliation: University of Cape Town, H3ABioNet Shaun Aron | IBT core team | Affiliation: University of Witwatersrand, H3ABioNet Course sponsor/organisers: IBT Core team Verena Ras | Affiliation: University of Cape Town, H3ABioNet Paballo Chauke | Affiliation: University of Cape Town, H3ABioNet Shaun Aron | Affiliation: University of Witwatersrand, H3ABioNet Nicola Mulder | Affiliation: University of Cape Town, H3ABioNet Sumir Panji | Affiliation: University of Cape Town, H3ABioNet Suresh Maslemoney | Affiliation: University of Cape Town, H3ABioNet Course level: Introductory Keywords: Genetics, Genomics. Nucleic acids analysis The archive contains the following items: Trainer/creator file containing the names of the person/s responsible for organising and delivering the course Course information file - which contains the original information about the course and includes a course schedule Lecture materials which include lecture slides, tutorials and datasets Lecture videos with english subtitles Funding information: H3ABioNet is supported by the National Human Genome Research Institute of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number U24HG006941. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health. This upload was performed by: Verena Ras | H3ABioNet Training and Outreach Coordinator License: This course was created under a creative commons license thus materials are free for reuse, provided the original course author AND H3ABioNet are cited/credited as the original creators of the work.

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