University of Cape Town
10 files

Analysis scripts and supplementary files: Rethinking pain threshold as a zone of uncertainty.

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modified on 2019-01-16, 05:54

This repository contains the analysis scripts and supplementary files for the manuscript Rethinking pain threshold as a zone of uncertainty. The analysis scripts and their outputs are located in Supplementary files are found in PDF form under the relevant name Suppl-*.pdf. Supplementary figures are found in PDF form under the relevant name SupplFig*.pdf.

Please note that participant consent materials did not include consent for public release of data, so data are not made available here. However, we do not wish to restrict access to the data needlessly, so requests for access to the data will be considered on a case-by-case basis and data made available subject to Human Research Ethics Committee approval. Requests can be directed to Tory Madden (

Repository citation

Kamerman P, Madden V, Catley M, Bellan V, Russek L, Camfferman D, Moseley L. Analysis scripts and supplementary files: Rethinking pain threshold as a zone of uncertainty. Figshare, 2019. DOI: 10.25375/uct.7577456.


Victoria Madden supported by the Oppenheimer Memorial Trust, and National Research Foundation of South Africa.

Testing the imprecision hypothesis of chronic pain.

National Health and Medical Research Council

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University of Cape Town University of South Australia University of the Witwatersrand