This document reports a simple nominal CPUE index for the catches taken by the Edinburgh and Geo Searcher off Tristan da Cunha island since 2007.
The vessel Edinburgh (owned by Ovenstones Agencies) has been utilised to catch outstanding TAC at the Tristan da Cunha island for the 2007-2015 seasons. This was replaced by a new vessel the Geo Searcher in 2016, but this vessel only started fishing at Tristan only from 2017 onwards. Powerboats manned by islanders catch the bulk of the TAC each year, but increasingly due to weather constraints and falling catch rates, the Edinburgh has been catching the outstanding TAC at the island.
The Edinburgh has had certain constraints imposed since the 2011 season, for example that fishing must occur in waters deeper than 50 fathoms with no fishing to take place between Anchorstock Point and Big Point.The catch is landed using Monster traps.
Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, University of Cape Town