University of Cape Town

Older Persons and Community Care in Namibia

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Version 2 2024-07-01, 13:24
Version 1 2024-05-08, 13:30
posted on 2024-05-08, 13:30 authored by Janet Ananias, Elena MooreElena Moore

The Older Persons and Community Care in Namibia Report examines the contexts of care for older persons in community settings. The report gives an overview of the living arrangements and conditions of older person households before providing an overview of the elder care policies and forms of social protection that are in place to support ageing at home and in community settings. By drawing on experiences and challenges of community support, shared at community meetings in five sites across the country, the report highlights key findings on how community care is experienced in context. The report spells out the key policy implications arising from the findings and presents these as opportunities to better understand and support elderly care in community settings.


Wellcome Trust Fund (ref: 225910/Z/22/Z)



University of Cape Town