Gina Ziervogel
Associate Professor (Environmental sciences; Climate change impacts and adaptation; Human impacts of climate change and human adaptation)
Cape Town, South Africa
- https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=5kCEts0AAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao
- Why is socially-just climate change adaptation in sub-Saharan Africa so challenging? A review of barriers identified from empirical cases
- Managing the risks from climate extremes at the local level
- Food insecurity in South Africa
- Climate change adaptation strategies — An Upstream-downstream perspective
- What Africa's drought responses teach us about climate change Hotspots
- Tackling barriers to climate change adaptation in South African coastal cities
- From "No One Left Behind" to putting the last first: Centring the voices of disabled people in resilience work
- Climate adaptation and water scarcity in Southern Africa
- Complex multiple stressors and adaptation to climate change in the case of a rural South African community
- Household food security and climate change: Comparisons from Nigeria, Sudan, South Africa and Mexico
- Setting the scene: Adapting to climate change - A large-scale challenge with local-scale impacts
- Strategic Responses to Grand Challenges: Why and How Corporations Build Community Resilience
- Micro-solutions to global problems: understanding social processes to eradicate energy poverty and build climate-resilient livelihoods
- Urban transformative potential in a changing climate
- The utility of weather and climate information for adaptation decision-making: current uses and future prospects in Africa and India
- What role for local organisations in climate change adaptation? Insights from South Africa
- Inserting rights and justice into urban resilience: a focus on everyday risk
- Examining vulnerability in a dynamic urban setting: the case of Bangalore’s interstate migrant waste pickers
- Building transformative capacity for adaptation planning and implementation that works for the urban poor: Insights from South Africa
- Water, equity and resilience in Southern Africa: future directions for research and practice
- Addressing the risk of maladaptation to climate change
- Building transformative capacity in southern Africa: Surfacing knowledge and challenging structures through participatory Vulnerability and Risk Assessments
- 'Learning by Doing': Lessons from the co-production of three South African municipal climate change adaptation plans
- Bridging the Communication Gap: An Exploration of the Climate Science–Water Management Interface
- Power in resilience and resilience's power in climate change scholarship
- Climate change in South Africa: Risks and opportunities for climate-resilient development in the IPCC Sixth Assessment WGII Report
- The use of climate science in agricultural adaptation in Africa
- Understanding the terrain: The climate change, assets and food security nexus in Southern African cities
- What enables local governments to mainstream climate change adaptation? Lessons learned from two municipal case studies in the Western Cape, South Africa
- Facing the heat: Barriers to mainstreaming climate change adaptation in local government in the Western Cape Province, South Africa
- For whom the bell tolls: Vulnerabilities in a changing climate
- Adapting to climate change in South Africa: Commercial farmers' perception of and response to changing climate
- Flooding in Cape Town's informal settlements: Barriers to collaborative urban risk governance
- Climate change impacts and adaptation in South Africa
- New ways to deal with Cape town's flooded communities
- South African coastal cities: Governance responses to climate change adaptation
- Developing a Municipal Adaptation Plan (MAP) for climate change: The city of Cape Town
- Understanding the role of networks in stimulating adaptation actions on the ground: Examples from two African case studies
- Constructing the climate change-asset adaptation-food security nexus for pro-poor urban development
- Integrating climate change information within development and disaster management planning: Lessons from Malawi, Mozambique and Zambia
- Mapping (for) resilience across city scales: An opportunity to open-up conversations for more inclusive resilience policy?
- Avenues of understanding: mapping the intersecting barriers to adaptation in Namibia
- Adaptation to flooding, pathway to housing or ‘wasteful expenditure’? Governance configurations and local policy subversion in a flood-prone informal settlement in Cape Town
- Nodes and networks in the governance of ecosystem-based adaptation: the case of the Bergrivier municipality, South Africa
- Mapping narratives of urban resilience in the global south
- Moving from adaptive to transformative capacity: Building foundations for inclusive, thriving, and regenerative urban settlements
- Strengthening the knowledge–policy interface through co-production of a climate adaptation plan: leveraging opportunities in Bergrivier Municipality, South Africa
- Water, Rights and Poverty: an Environmental Justice Approach to Analysing Water Management Devices in Cape Town
- The Story of Water in Windhoek: A Narrative Approach to Interpreting a Transdisciplinary Process
- Sanitation Upgrading as Climate Action: Lessons for Local Government from a Community Informal Settlement Project in Cape Town
- Climate variability and rural livelihoods: Assessing the impact of seasonal climate forecasts in Lesotho
- Bridging the communication gap: An exploration of the climate science - Water management interface
- Vulnerability interventions in the context of multiple stressors: lessons from the Southern Africa Vulnerability Initiative (SAVI)
- Vulnerability assessments in the developing world: Mozambique and South Africa
- Coping with multiple stresses in rural South Africa
- Using climate information for supporting climate change adaptation in water resource management in South Africa
- Resilience and vulnerability: Complementary or conflicting concepts?
- Climate change adaptation in a developing country context: The case of urban water supply in Cape Town
- Adapting to climate change to sustain food security
- Understanding vulnerability in southern Africa: Comparative findings using a multiple-stressor approach in South Africa and Malawi
- Climate change scenarios and the development of adaptation strategies in Africa: Challenges and opportunities
- Developing a Municipal Adaptation Plan (MAP) for climate change: The city of Cape Town
- Adapting to climate variability: Pumpkins, people and policy
- Multi-agent modelling of climate outlooks and food security on a community garden scheme in Limpopo, South Africa
- Participatory validation of agent-based models to support policy dialogue
- Video-mediated approaches for community-level climate adaptation
- The integration of support for HIV and AIDS and livelihood security: District level institutional analysis in southern Africa
- Feeling stressed: Integrating climate adaptation with other priorities in South Africa
- The impact of HIV/AIDS in the context of socioeconomic stressors: An evidence-driven approach
- Agent-based social simulation: A method for assessing the impact of seasonal climate forecast applications among smallholder farmers
- Stakeholder Networks: Improving Seasonal Climate Forecasts
- Targeting seasonal climate forecasts for integration into household level decisions: The case of smallholder farmers in Lesotho
- Seasonal forecasting for climate hazards: Prospects and responses
- The inclusion of operating rules in a daily reservoir simulation model to determine ecological reserve releases for river maintenance
- A manifesto for shadow places: Re-imagining and co-producing connections for justice in an era of climate change
- Supporting transformative climate adaptation: community-level capacity building and knowledge co-creation in South Africa
- Methodological lessons for negotiating power, political capabilities, and resilience in research on climate change responses
- Exploring the role of transdisciplinary learning for navigating climate risks in African cities: The case of Lusaka, Zambia
- Operationalising climate-resilient development pathways in the Global South
- Drought governance: A cross-level governance analysis in Botswana
- A co-produced national climate change risk and vulnerability assessment framework for South Africa
- Emergent governance responses to shocks to critical provisioning systems
- Strengthening community-based adaptation for urban transformation: managing flood risk in informal settlements in Cape Town
- Drought response impacts on household water use practices in Cape Town, South Africa
- Importance of methodological pluralism in deriving counterfactuals for evidence‐based conservation
- Resilience counter-currents: Water infrastructures, informality, and inequities in Cape Town, South Africa
- Private provisioning of public adaptation: Integration of cognitive-behavioral, adaptive capacity, and institutional approaches
- Expansive learning of climate scientists towards transdisciplinarity
- Resilience counter-currents: Water infrastructures, informality, and inequities in Cape Town, South Africa
- The potential of social innovation to shift the limits to climate adaptation